See what our clients say about us!

Daisy L.
[Cindy] Cindy made my first-time home buying experience incredibly smooth and stress-free, certainly a feat given today's insane seller's market. What I appreciate about her is that she goes out of her way to visit the properties and collect all the facts, implements and gives valuable house-buying strategies while ensuring that I am comfortable with each decision every step of the way, and takes all the confusion out of house-buying jargon and practices. She is incredibly hard working and extremely responsive. If there is a house you are set on buying, you can have peace of mind that Cindy will do everything she can to maximize the odds of success. Throughout my home-buying process, I always felt like I was in good hands, protected, and well-informed. She is based in Cupertino, one of the most competitive housing markets in the Silicon valley and has an impressive track record. Let's put it this way-- if you are buying a house you better hope that Cindy is representing you instead of your competing buyers.
[Yentin] It is because of Yentin that my first home-buying experience happened effortlessly. She was always punctual, quick and thorough about getting the latest details on properties, and honest about presenting all the facts. She also has great observational skills, often pointing out features or detriments that most people tend to overlook and also has great intuition about her clients' personal tastes. I really don't know how she does it but she'll be answering my questions at all hours of the day and night with the most incredible amount of patience, something I really appreciate given my inexperience about home-buying. Between the offer acceptance and close of escrow, she was very good about following up with other parties to make sure everything ran on schedule, and I can honestly say that it is because of her behind-the-scenes work that my loan application closed so smoothly with zero hiccups. She receives my highest recommendation for taking all the scariness out of home-buying.

Lin D.
Cindy and Yentin are a excellent team.
Two out of 3 offers we provided were accepted(we backed out one due to the inspection), we are so happy and excited to get our new home so soon (in 2 month)!
As common engineer couples in Bayarea, you can imagine how difficult it is to scope out houses and make offers, in a hot market as current situation. The things you need to do - closely follow new/old house listing, check out house/home conditions, find banker for loan, talk to listing agent to find more hidden information, make a reasonable bid and negotiate - Cindy and Yentin have a whole set of solutions and suggestions! We would like to recommend to all the people who want to buy homes!
To our experience, they are -
Responsible. It is so important to have responsible agents. They will try to find as much info as possible to help us to make decisions, including some potentially hidden information by seller agent. They make contracts to protect buyers and follow closely all through the procedure, especially at the final decisive offer selection and negotiation part. We do not need to worry about anything. They answer our questions with clear answer and suggestions, very thoughtful from our perspectives.
Working hard. They have a lot of resources to find out new homes, we have update of listings so frequently and the information we got had been carefully filtered with our intentions and preferences so we can focus on the ones we would like to see. In the whole procedure they kept us updated all the time and usually in the late night we can still receive updates and answer to our questions.
Smart. Cindy and Yentin are very smart team, Cindy is so experienced that they have some interesting tricks which are very important in making offers and negotiation. We made three offers on three different houses and two offers were accepted (in every case we are not with the highest price)! We felt lucky but we know their approaches are working well. I heard some other agents always want their clients offer more money (I think agents can get paid more and make deal easier), of course that works some time but not necessarily decisive.
We feel fortunate to have them as our agents, and from our experience we recommend them to our friends. I am sure they will feel they find the right team for help.

Rose L.
I highly recommend Cindy as your realtor. Cindy helped me in purchasing my recent home. Because of her, the process was smooth and swift. She was very dedicated in assisting me with price comparables and assessments. She devoted much of her time and efforts to help me get the house I wanted in the tight timeline I gave her. She did a great job in convincing the seller's agent and sellers that I was a serious buyer that should be considered over other buyers. In fact, she managed to persuade the sellers to consider and accept my offer way before the deadline to submit offers. The real estate market in the Bay Area has been a hot seller's market, so I was glad to have Cindy there to help me every step of the way. She got me the first house that I made an offer. Cindy is also a very detail-oriented person. During the closing process, she went over all the paperwork with me and pointed out things that needed to be addressed. Cindy also followed up and took care of some issues that I had after moving in and saw to it that I was satisfied with my new home. Overall, I think Cindy is very knowledgeable, honest, responsible and dependable.

Peter L.
我的买房经历-评Cindy Lin Realty Team非常感谢Cindy Lin的团队,你们的认真负责和专业知识,帮我们买到了称心如意的好房子!
通过我买房的经历,这5个因素中,我认为最重要的是认真负责。认真帮你找合意的房源,认真帮你向LISTING AGENT打听和跟进OFFER情况,积极努力地和你沟通带你去看房子。
决定买房的那个周末去看区号95118和95124的OPEN HOUSE,我们的朋友LILIN CHEN向我们推荐了她们买房的代理CINDY和YENTIN,她们听说我们已经在看OPEN HOUSE了,就主动约了我们见面,了解了我们买房的意愿和财务情况。接下来的周二,我们现在买下的房子放到了网站上公开,说本周末OPEN HOUSE,告诉了CINDY和YENTIN我们对这个房子很有兴趣,她们及时帮我们了解到了房子的各种细节,听说房主还住在里面,所以我们没有在工作日的时候去看房子,不打算打扰住在里面的前屋主和他们的孩子。
周六OPEN HOUSE去看的时候,房子的情况和我们在网站上看到照片一样,我们很喜欢。原来的消息是周一才收OFFER,周日还要OPEN HOUSE,所以周六下午我们看完房子才给CINDY和YENTIN打电话说我们很喜欢这个房子。没有等到周一,她们当时就积极跟进,了解到当天卖家就在收OFFER了,而且,他们收到两个OFFER了,还有两个OFFER在进来,但是,他们打算当天就CLOSE了(后来我们才知道,因为卖家有孩子的原因,他们不希望被更多的OPEN HOUSE打扰)!CINDY和YENTIN当晚很努力工作,帮我们做OFFER,帮我们和LISTING AGENT沟通,要求把CLOSE推迟到了周日OPEN HOUSE之前的下午1点。我们当晚准备了两个价格的OFFER,其中一个比另一个少1万。第二天上午,当CINDY和YENTIN了解了另外两个进来的OFFER情况,我们又准备了第三个价格的OFFER,比之前的价格还少$5000。
下午1点多些时候,YENTIN打电话告诉我们,我们的OFFER中了。另外有4个OFFER,其中一个OFFER只比我们少$2000,另一个少$3000。卖家看到YENTIN为我们做的OFFER LETTER里我们全家和小糯米的照片,很喜欢,知道我们是真心喜欢他的房子。在选中我们OFFER的同时,还有别的买家进来,说要出比我们高的价,CINDY和YENTIN告诉卖家,如果这样的话,我们不得不今天再去看别的OPEN HOUSE了,卖家最终决定别人出再高价也不理会了。
代理的沟通能力也是很重要的。我把网上的照片给我们的LENDER看的时候,她说,这个房子要卖百万美金吧。我自己看过OPEN HOUSE之后在备注里也是这么写着“可能会有超过十个OFFER”,按湾区的房价情况,十个OFFER一般代表加价十万,那就是96万。这个时候代理的沟通能力就相当重要了,卖家代理虽然不能直接告诉买家代理当前的OFFER情况,但他们总是可以通过明示、暗示的方式传递信息。我们周六晚从卖家代理得到的信息是“要出比90万多的价格,还有另外两个OFFER进来”,而根据周日上午从卖家代理得到的信息我们最终出价90.5万,而且是NON-CONTIGENT OFFER,表明我们是真心的买家。这些信息都是CINDY和YENTIN积极和有效的沟通得到,帮我们做出正确的决定。如果没有CINDY和YENTIN的帮助,我们肯定要出了不必要的高价。出不必要的高价我身边恰好有正反两个例子。

Julie L.
very detailing, job oriented and professional. best team to work with!!

Jeffery H.
She is legit, she helped me closed deal within 2 months after year + searching.

Lilin C.
灣區的房價一直再往上飆漲,令想買房的人真是害怕,但是房租又貴,一直把錢往外丟也不是辦法!! 終於牙一咬頭期款有著落了,可是問題又來了,好房好學區大家都想搶也都搶得兇,說白點也就是比誰的口袋深,想搶也搶不過這些有錢人,真是頭痛!! 但是我們很幸運的遇到Cindy 和Yentin, 她們很有耐心的幫我們依照我們可負擔的價位及要求一間一間的找房,帶我們去看房!! 很快地在第二次下標,我們得標了!!真是太開心了!!本來我以為我會為了要跟對手拚而要多花一萬塊美金,沒想到Cindy很沉的住氣叫我們忍住等屋主下一個動作之後再伺機而動,結果因為屋主喜歡Cindy和Yentin她們幫我們設計的下標宣傳, 她們幫我們得標成功~~~~~~~~!!!實在是太感謝她們了!! 當然買房之後還是有很多的不懂,也因為她們多方的幫忙及解說,讓我們節省了很多時間和精力!! 我們一家人心裡充滿了感謝!!

Guangjie R.
Buying a house is one of the biggest and most nerve-breaking decisions that people ever make, especially when it comes to first-time buyers. It involves a large sum of money and has long term implication for quality of living. So it is really important to have a star realtor who can guide you every step of the way and put your interest above everything else.
Cindy was our star realtor when we bought our dream house two years ago. We knew nothing about housing when we reached out to Cindy, but she was very patient and answered all the questions that we had. Based on our budget and preference, she recommended the most suitable neighborhoods in the Bay Area and took the time to accompany us for quite a few open houses. And Cindy is really good at determining the offer price and setting up the negotiation strategy. For us, she presented our offer as the best among all the offers that the seller received, and managed to convince the seller to reduce forty-five thousand dollars when they accepted our offer. This was an amazing outcome in a market where prices rise every day!
I hope you will get the same experience. Please consider Cindy as your star realtor - we highly recommend her!!!

Angel Y.
I really love Cindy! She is very professional, patient, detailed, and most of all, she gives me the honest feeling of the house and not just trying to make the deal done as soon as possible!
She helped me to buy my house around 2 years ago, since my budget wasn't good enough for me to buy a house in good school distinct, I listed my requirements for safe, convenient, 3bd/3ba at least and less than 10 years old. And a bonus would be a white wall house with red roof (my ideal look of a house). She ended up help me to get the exact house I want! A 3bd/3.5ba (even better! I have a guest restroom!) with white wall and red roof! And what's more....a BRAND NEW house IN FRONT OF A PARK! I have a lot of greens to view everyday!
Originally the builder could tell I really loved the house so they wouldn't drop the price for me, but Cindy did her every effort to negotiate for me and finally the purchase price was Right On My Target Budget with extra credits for free upgrade and even cover the closing-cost and HOA! I'm so lucky I had her! :D
Since the time I bought was a buyer market, probably now it's much harder to get a lot credits from seller, but from my observation Cindy always tries her best for customer's most benefit.
What I like her most is she is patient, never complained if I kept looking and looking and didn't make decision until I found my favorite one. Not like other agents who will push you for buying soon or complain if you kept looking for too long. She cares her clients the most and willing to really help them buy the "ideal home" they want, not just for business.
I have referred Cindy to many friends after I bought my house from her. I will keep recommend her to any friends having an intention in purchasing a home. Thank you Cindy! :)

Yen-Ju C.
Cindy is very professional that have helpful suggestions when we are looking for the houses and when we are making the offer. We won't be able to get our dream house without her! I would highly recommend her :)

Jeff L.
Very knowledgeable & honest realtor. Cindy helped me sell my old house and purchased my new home in the Bay Area, Cindy has a lot of connections and provided me all the resources I need to make the decision and always fast responded. I would highly recommend to anyone whom's interesting to sell their home and home seekers in the Bay Area.