Our Services to Buyers

Stage 1 (Game Plan)
Initial meeting with client
Determine Buyer’s desires (needs/wants in a new home)
Review duties / responsibilities of a Buyer’s Agent in California
Provide Buyer Package with a sample of local Purchase Agreements (contracts)
Ensure Buyer is pre-approved with a known lender
Stage 2 (Property Search)
Set Buyer up on a listing alert service
Preview properties on behalf of Buyer
Show properties to Buyer
Help Buyer select ideal property

Stage 3 (The Offer)
Validate what is included in sale via MLS details
Obtain copy of Title information to identify property owner(s)
Contact Listing Agent to validate property is still available; confirm any special terms for offer
Prepare a Market Analysis in the area to determine offer price
Obtain and review available disclosures with Buyer
Prepare Purchase Agreement (aka Purchase Contract) on behalf of Buyer
Prepare personal letter from Buyer to Seller
Obtain Earnest Deposit for purchase of the home and proof of down payment, to be submitted with offer
Prepare package for Listing Agent, including cover letter

Stage 4 (Negotiation)
Present Buyer offer to Listing Agent
Ensure Buyer’s Lender available by phone in case finance questions are being asked by Listing Agent
Respond / negotiate counter-offers and contract addendums
Prepare new counter-offers / addendums on behalf of Buyer
Acknowledge ratified contract on behalf of Buyer

Stage 5 (In Contract)
Send copy of ratified Purchase Agreement and Property Profile to Buyer’s Lender to start lender underwriting
Open Escrow with local Title Company if not done by Listing Agent
Send copy of ratified Purchase Agreement to Escrow Officer for closing instructions
Order any secondary inspections requested by Buyer
Be onsite for property inspections
Be onsite to meet appraiser with copies of current comps to assure maximum value is received by Buyer
Review new disclosures and inspections with Buyer
Negotiate contract adjustments and credits if new defects are found as part of property inspections
Assure loan underwriting moves forward on schedule
Stage 6 (Close of Escrow)
Manage the timely release of contingencies on behalf of Buyer
Ensure Buyer has Certified Funds for amount due at closing
Ensure Lender funds are received by Title in time for closing
Arrange and attend Buyer final walk-through prior to close of escrow
Review “Closing Costs” on a HUD-1 Estimated Worksheet for accuracy
Provide a list of potential qualified vendors (e.g. movers, attorneys, carpenters, painters, etc.) if these services are needed
Validate house is clean and all of Seller’s possessions are removed prior to close of escrow
Monitor closing so transfer of property occurs as planned
Once property recording is complete, deliver keys to new Home Owner
Validate MLS is updated denoting property sale is complete